


chef gif


近日,上海嘉定喜来登酒店任命吴家伍(Mr. Wade Wu)先生为酒店中餐行政总厨,他将全面负责采悦轩中餐厅以及宴会厨房的运营和管理工作。












酒店总经理孙伟杰先生(Mr. Henry Sun)表示:“吴师傅在米其林餐厅的就职经验使得他对厨房管理有着极高的标准,不仅体现在对食品安全管理的把控上,更是体现在其对餐厅口碑、客人满意度的正向影响上,凭借吴师傅丰富的粤菜经验及独到见解,相信他能在嘉定为宾客带来全新的舌尖体验。”




Sheraton Shanghai JiaDing Hotel Welcomes New Chinese Executive Chef Wade Wu


Sheraton Shanghai JiaDing Hotel announces the appointment of Mr. Wade Wu as Chinese Executive Chef.? Wade will oversee the kitchen operation and management of the YUE Chinese restaurant and banquet kitchen.


Wade has nearly 20 years’ experience in Chinese cuisine and kitchen management. With many years of deep cultivation in the field of Cantonese cuisine, he has exquisite cooking techniques and unique insights into Chinese cuisine, especially skilled in Cantonese cuisine, abalone, and high-end seafood. Since 2010, Wade has been serving as the Chinese Executive Chef. His past working experience including well-known branded hotels or restaurants such as Capella Tufu Bay Hainan, Hui Hotel Shenzhen, Yangshuo Sugar House, and Beijing Deyue Catering. Before joining Sheraton Shanghai Jiading Hotel, Wade was the Chinese Cuisine Executive Chef at Celebrity Cuisine, and its Hong Kong headquarters was awarded the Michelin star restaurant honor for twelve consecutive years.


Since his employment, Wade has always adhered to the concept of “respect cuisine, respect guests, and win with quality”, always putting the needs and satisfaction of guests first. Through high-quality ingredients, high standard management, and innovative cooking methods, he has won the trust and loyalty of guests. In addition, Wade also enjoys developing new concepts for the cuisine, constantly challenging himself, and providing guests with a more diverse and innovative dining experience. He has won the third place in the International Cantonese Cuisine Master Skills Cooking Competition, and was awarded as Senior Chinese Cuisine Master and Chinese Cuisine Master.


“Wade’s working experience at Michelin Restaurant has set him a high standard for kitchen management, not only in terms of food safety, but also in his positive impact on the restaurant’s reputation and customer satisfaction. With Wade’s rich experience in Cantonese cuisine and unique insights, I believe he can bring guests a brand new dining experience here at Jiading.”, says Mr. Henry Sun, the hotel’s General Manager.


In his spare time, Wade likes to play basketball. He firmly believes that exercising can keep him healthy and more disciplined. Welcome Wade to join Sheraton Shanghai Jiading Hotel. We look forward to seeing him leading the culinary team to start a new chapter.










Chief Editor: Charles Li