逐野 #Gardenofpleasures @ 8 号露台 于传奇酒店的空中绿洲开启恣意夏日




作为建筑面的第五立面,露台成为城市的空中绿洲,为人们提供一个身心休憩地,为忙碌的都市人提供一个喘息的空间。以此为灵感,上海波特曼丽思卡尔顿酒店 8 号露台于 2024 年 5 月 18 日璀璨回归,以“逐野”为主题提供给宾客一片“城中静土”,邀您一同于传奇酒店的空中绿洲开启恣意夏日。沉浸于纯粹的欢乐和自在洒脱。


Terrace 8, 8号露台 (3)


当你步入 8 号露台,忙碌和纷扰就被留在了门口。夏日的微风温柔地抚摸着郁郁葱葱的草坪,美食、美酒与美景巧妙地融合在一起,营造出自然和谐的氛围。或独自一人或与亲朋友好友欣赏城中美景,呼吸新鲜空气拥抱自然,从自然的脉动中释放内心的压力,滋养身心,感受生活的美好。




8 号露台位于上海波特曼丽思卡尔顿酒店 8 层,正对历史悠久的上海展览中心,座拥曼妙的城市天际线。行政总厨带领烹饪团队倾情打造自制烧烤菜单,愉悦味蕾的同时兼顾健康理念。


虽然酒店通常与住宿紧密相联,但在 8 号露台,我们在天然草坪上摆放带有坐垫的草坪椅和遮阳伞,营造一种放松却又焕活四射的怡人氛围。无论在绿草如茵的草坪上一边悠享慵懒的午后阳光, 一边品尝美味的下午茶;还是于傍晚,一边享受美食带来的 Fun 肆乐趣,一边与三五好友把酒言欢,如在野外追逐嬉戏般洒脱畅快的体验将驻留心中,令人难忘。





今夏,我们延续去年#PLEASURE 理念的同时赋予 8 号露台新的生命力,旨在缔造奢华酒店中一隅静美空间,于繁华闹市中缔造都市桃源。别具创意的露天布置,匠心设计的美味菜单还有精挑细选的各式精酿,来到此处就能于繁忙喧嚣的生活方式中放慢节奏,在自然的治愈下体验身心焕活。




从富有韧劲的迷你百吉饼、味道香浓的 Burrata 奶酪、营养丰富的鹰嘴豆泥,到精致的 迷你牛肉汉堡、喷香诱人的各式烤串、拼盘和新鲜的沙拉,每日严选新鲜多汁的优质肉类和蔬果 精心呈现缤纷美味,缔造兼顾健康与美味的夏日美食之旅。






T8 night

伫立于 8 号露台俯瞰独一无二的 180°美景,饱览历史悠久的上海展览中心及繁华的浦西城景,令人大饱眼福,心潮澎湃。









白天时,自然流淌的白噪音让人感知到城市的脉搏。夜幕降临时,DJ Nikki 将于每周五、 六亲临现场打碟,带来动感十足的音乐律动,如同夜空中璀璨的烟花,为宾客创造身临其境的美妙听觉享受,让你忘却烦恼,感受生活的美好。

DJ Nikki


2024 年 5 月 18 日至 10 月中旬




17:30 – 22:30(酒吧与露天用餐)


14:30 – 22:30(下午茶、酒吧与露天用餐)



电话:6279 8888*5976


上海波特曼丽思卡尔顿酒店 8 楼





Garden of Pleasures


An enchanting garden on the terrace of a legendary hotel


?The idea of the “Garden of Pleasures” was conceived from our desire to provide a sanctuary a place of communion, where guests and the community could escape the burdens of everyday life and immerse themselves in a realm of pure joy and indulgence.


Here, worries and preoccupations are left at the door, allowing our guest to unlock their inhibited and playful selves, embracing relaxation and sharing their true essence with others. In this enchanting space, flavors, sights, and scents blend harmoniously, complemented by the gentle caress of summer winds and the sensation of lush, crisp green grass underfoot, creating a simple yet potent experience that nourishes the soul and uplifts the spirit.


What is Garden of Pleasures?

Garden of Pleasures is a physical space located on the terrace of the legendary Portman Ritz-Carlton Hotel. In this unique setting, Ritz-Carlton’s experiential and culinary teams have meticulously crafted sensory experiences with the intention of fostering unforgettable memories.


While hotels are often associated with temporary stays, at The Portman Ritz-Carlton, specifically within the Garden of Pleasures, we redefine the concept of a hotel as a memory-making machine. It serves as a mystical device and unique resource capable of imprinting deep experiential memories that evolve over time into cherished and indelible memories.


Garden of Pleasures Features

Our goal is to create an unforgettable experience in an awe-inspiring setting and ambiance that could easily be mistaken for a dream.


In curating this experience, we have focused on infusing our finest flavors and paying meticulous attention to detail, interplay of elements, and balance to ensure that the experience is not only shareable, but also highly palatable and indelible.


The Menu: Our menu boasts a fusion of basic flavors elevated with sophisticated touches, meticulously crafted to enhance the essence of classic dishes.


From delectable mini bagels, burrata and hummus to a tantalizing selection of charcuterie, greens, and premium meats featured in mini burgers, skewers, platters, and salads, our menu ensures a delightful and health-conscious dining experience.


When it comes to beverages, we have curated a selection that draws from the best offerings of our lounge bar, cellar, and draughts to cater to varying moods and levels of thirst. Our menu includes a range of craft and imported beers, timeless highball classics, signature wines, bold spirits, and refreshing alcohol-free options, providing a vibrant and enjoyable drinking experience to everyone.


The View: The view from Terrace 8 offers the most breathtaking view of the city and is a feast for the eyes.

Feel: The feel of our venue is characterized by a lush green patch of meticulously trimmed grass that exudes a refreshing and vibrant scent, enhancing the sensory experience.

Sound: Our venue’s soundscapes feature a harmonious blend of city background sounds intertwined with the vibrant beats curated by DJ Nikki on Fridays and Saturdays, along with our specially crafted Ritz-Carlton mix tapes, creating an immersive auditory experience.


Opening times:

May 18 – Mid-October, 2024


Wednesdays to Fridays:

17:30 – 22:30 (bar & alfresco dining)

Saturdays & Sundays:

14:30 – 22:30 (afternoon tea, bar & alfresco dining)


Reservation & Address:


Tel: 6279 8888*5976

Email: rc.sharz.lobbylounge@ritzcarlton.com

Level 8, The Portman Ritz-Carlton, Shanghai


Enquiries are welcome for social / birthday / anniversary celebrations. Flats are recommended for ladies.