上海柏悦酒店正式任命Jerémy JOUAN先生为酒店行政总厨




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近日,上海柏悦酒店正式任命Jerémy JOUAN先生为行政总厨,他将全面负责酒店西餐的管理及运营。


Executive Chef - Jeremy Jouan Park Hyatt Shanghai


Jerémy JOUAN先生来自法国,一个饮食文化多元、充满艺术浪漫气息的国度。从马赛的烹饪学校毕业后,他便加入了米其林餐厅,开启了职业厨师的生涯,与此同时,亦踏上了探索环球美食的征程。他以故乡法国为起点开始游历欧美,在伦敦、纽约的多家米其林餐厅担任厨房部重要职位。25岁时,他成为了阿联酋阿拉伯塔酒店(即迪拜帆船酒店)有史以来最年轻的厨师长,在精进烹饪技艺的同时,习得了团队管理的经验,而后,他加入位于哈利法塔的迪拜阿玛尼酒店,深耕于酒店领域。雄心蓬勃的他从未停止学习和探索,在迪拜工作一段时间后,他前往越南担任洲际酒店的行政副总厨,带领酒店西餐厅荣膺多个奖项后,他又启程前往摩洛哥,筹备五星级奢华酒店欧贝罗伊酒店的开业。2024年 ,他被法国烹饪大师协会授予“法国烹饪大师”称号,代表着极高的荣誉以及国际上的广泛认可。他的工作内容囊括管理百人厨师团队,运营酒店多家餐厅以及外烩宴会等。


生活是不期而遇的惊喜。Jerémy JOUAN先生为自己的职业能给宾客带来惊喜而感到自豪。他认为生活与工作是相辅相成的,只有用心体会生活,才能创作出触达人心的作品。他乐于慷慨分享点滴,每当特殊节日来临,他总会提前在厨房用当季食材,精心准备创意又有趣的礼物。“我喜欢看见客人们惊喜的表情,这是我职业成就感的来源。”言语间,他总是带着温暖的微笑。“虽然烹饪技术必不可少,但真正的满足感来自于客人的反馈以及为他们创造有意义的体验。” 在辗转各地的过程中,Jerémy JOUAN先生的家人总是陪伴于左右,“我很感激我的妻子和孩子,他们的支持是我事业前进的动力。因为他们,我的生活充满了惊喜的仪式感。”


对于首次来到中国工作,Jerémy JOUAN先生充满了期待。“我非常高兴加入上海柏悦酒店。” 他说,“中国拥有古老悠久的历史文明,而上海是首屈一指的国际化大都市,对于厨师来说,如何结合在地食材且融合多元饮食文化是值得探究的课题和挑战。”新旧交融、活力蓬勃、海纳百川,这座城市以其独有的魅力深深吸引着他。在未来,Jerémy JOUAN行政总厨将不断拓展他的专业领域并带领厨房团队进入全新征程,满怀信心地为每一位食客带来致臻美食之享。


Park Hyatt Shanghai Appoints

Mr. Jeremy JOUAN as executive chef


Shanghai, China (August 2024) – Park Hyatt Shanghai is thrilled to introduce its newest team member, Chef Jeremy, who has taken on the role of Executive Chef. He is responsible for in-house culinary operations and renowned outside catering.


Hailing from France, a country with a diverse culinary culture, Chef Jeremy began his culinary journey at a young age. After graduating from The Culinary School of Marseille, he started his career in various Michelin-starred restaurants and embarked on a journey to explore global cuisine. Moving from his hometown in France, he held key positions in Michelin-starred restaurants in London and New York. At the age of 25, he became the youngest Chef de Cuisine in the history of the Burj AI Arab Hotel in Dubai. Subsequently, he joined the Armani Hotel Dubai at the Burj Khalifa, which deeply enhanced his expertise in the hospitality industry. After spending part of his career in Dubai, he took the opportunity to move to Hanoi, Vietnam to open the Intercontinental Landmark72 as their Executive Sous Chef, launching the multi-awarded “Stellar” Steakhouse restaurant. He then set off to Morocco to prepare for the opening of the five-star luxury Oberoi Marrakech Hotel for The Oberoi Group before taking a new challenge in Bangkok, Thailand at the Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel where he led the culinary team throughout 8 restaurants.


Recently, he has become a Maitre Cuisinier de France (Promotion 2024), a very noble distinction amongst chefs worldwide. The valued award not only a milestone in his career development, but also represents the great reputation he has earned on a global scale. His duties will include managing the culinary team, operating the hotel’s restaurants, and catering for off-site events.


Life is full of surprises. Chef  Jeremy takes pride in being able to bring surprises to guests. He believes that life and work are interdependent. Living life from the heart can help one craft creative products that touch people’s hearts. His primary inspiration revolves around “generosity” and “sharing”. These qualities are essential for becoming a successful chef. During festivals, Chef Jeremy loves preparing interesting gifts in the kitchen using seasonal ingredients. “I like seeing surprised expressions on the faces of my guests” he says with a warm smile. He always emphasis that while technical skill is crucial, true fulfillment comes from caring for guests and creating meaningful culinary experiences. Having traveled extensively during his culinary adventure, Chef Jeremy always has his family by his side. “I am very grateful to my wife and child. Their support is the driving force behind my career. Because of them, my life is full of surprises.”


Chef  Jeremy is very excited to be working for the first time in China. “I’m so happy to be joining Park Hyatt Shanghai,” he said. “China has a long and profound history of civilization, and Shanghai is a leading international metropolis. Stepping into this bustling city, I was immediately captivated by the city’s dynamic energy and vibrant atmosphere.” For a chef, although combining local ingredients and diverse culinary cultures is a challenge, he eagerly anticipates exploring numerous possibilities within the realm of his culinary artistry.


Park Hyatt Shanghai warmly welcomes Mr. Jeremy JOUAN as its new Executive Chef, confident that his exceptional skills, unwavering passion, and boundless creativity will elevate the dining experience for its esteemed guests.




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About Park Hyatt Shanghai

Spanning the 79th through 93rd floors of the Shanghai World Financial Centre (SWFC), Park Hyatt Shanghai is a sophisticated modern-Chinese residence combining true sophistication with understated luxury interior design, offering guests with a romantic and unforgettable ‘reaching for the stars’ experience.


To preserve the quality of the product and the level of service and attention to detail, the number of guestrooms has been limited to 173. The standard rooms, measuring from 55 square metres (592 square feet), coupled with the generous 3.1-metre ceiling height.


Park Hyatt Shanghai is also equipped with signature Chinese and western restaurants, multifunction event spaces, Water’s Edge SPA and fitness center for personalized well-being. Embark on a journey of refined home-away-from-home at Park Hyatt Shanghai, encounter world renowned artwork and design, experiencing residential style hospitality and personalized services.




Chief Editor: Charles


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