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近日,上海柏悦酒店正式任命马克(Marco Erba)先生为行政副总厨,他将全面负责酒店西餐的管理及运营。


Executive Sous Chef- Marco Erba (1)


马克先生来自于饮食文化多元的意大利,从童年时期起,便对厨房充满了好奇。他把食材和炊具比喻为有趣的实验,经过不懈的努力与创新,研制出一道道味觉惊喜。厨艺给他的生活带来了无穷乐趣,与此同时也收获了家人的肯定与鼓励。马克先生毕业于著名的意大利阿尔玛厨艺管理学院,随着渴望成为职业厨师的种子开始萌芽,他开启了探索环球美食的征程。他的职业生涯跨越了多家五星级酒店和米其林星级餐厅,在西西里岛的La Madia米其林二星餐厅磨练数年之后,他先后前往诸多知名奢华酒店工作,如在首尔四季酒店、多哈悦榕庄酒店等担任厨房部的重要职位。




马克先生非常重视与食客们面对面的交流,在研发菜品和管理团队之余,他经常走出厨房来到餐厅,倾听客人们的评价。“我的理念是,我只将我满意的菜肴带给客人,但同时我也想知道他们是否喜欢我的呈现。” 言语间,他总是带着温暖的微笑。“当然,奢华酒店总不乏资深的饕客,我很愿意聆听他们的建议。”




Executive Sous Chef- Marco Erba (2)


Park Hyatt Shanghai introduces

Mr. marco erba as executive sous chef


Park Hyatt Shanghai is thrilled to introduce its newest team member, Mr. Marco Erba, who has taken on the role of Executive Sous Chef. Hailing from Italy, Chef Marco’s culinary journey began at a young age, driven by his innate curiosity for the kitchen, where he viewed ingredients and cooking as intriguing experiments. Over time, he has crafted a myriad of delectable dishes, finding joy and a profound sense of accomplishment in cooking, supported by his loving family.


With a decade of experience at renowned Michelin-starred restaurants and luxury hotels across Europe and Asia, including the Four Seasons Hotel Seoul and Banyan Tree Doha, Chef Marco has earned a distinguished reputation in the culinary industry. He holds a deep belief in the value of curiosity, constantly learning new languages, immersing himself in diverse cultures, savoring local ingredients, and capturing memorable moments through photography.


Chef Marco places a strong emphasis on personal connections, preferring to engage with guests directly rather than confining himself to the kitchen. He believes that success in the culinary profession is built on cultivating strong bonds between chefs and guests. While he understands the importance of ingredient research, creativity, and innovative cooking, Chef Marco always prioritizes meeting the needs and desires of his guests.


Despite a three-year absence from China, Chef Marco fondly regards Shanghai as his “second home.” Shanghai’s rich culinary heritage, encompassing the eight traditional Chinese cuisines, combined with its cosmopolitan and inclusive atmosphere, has drawn him back. Having traveled extensively during his culinary adventures, Chef Marco is excited to return to Shanghai, where he can further refine his culinary expertise and elevate his talented culinary team. He eagerly anticipates exploring numerous possibilities within the realm of his culinary artistry.


Park Hyatt Shanghai warmly welcomes Mr. Marco Erba as the new Executive Sous Chef, confident that his exceptional skills, unwavering passion, and boundless creativity will elevate the dining experience for its esteemed guests.




垂询致电:+86 21 68881234


Park Hyatt Shanghai

100 Century Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

Telephone: +86 21 68881234




Chief Editor: Charles